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Hey there, I’m Leon!

I’m a senior product designer with 8+ years of experience working at companies like YouTube, Google, Twitch, Apple, and Pandora.

I grew up in the suburbs of Seattle, where one of my fondest memories growing up was using Wiimotes for the first time. Growing up next to Nintendo and Microsoft HQs, I like to think my creativity and passion for HCI and UX design comes from the video games I've played.

In my free time, I enjoy gaming, photography, cooking, snowboarding, indie electronic music, alto saxophone, and fine woodworking - here’s a sample!


Just an enthusiast capturing some of the projects I do.

Album Art Animation

Kaytranada’s double Grammy Award winning album BUBBA, animated and looped. Beatsynced to the song 10%, play it unmuted!

Please reach out to me for my resume on LinkedIn.